Midland Langar Seva Society (MLSS)

Since 2014 GGNP and Midland Langar Seva Society (MLSS) in Coventry have been serving the wider community helping those in need.
GGNP also acts as central hub for MLSS in Rugby and Nuneaton.
MLSS in Coventry operate 7 days serving over 3000 meals per week.
Areas focused around
- Homelessness
- Free school meals
- Emergencey drop off
- Women shelters
- Community support
- Covid relief
- Local community care
There are over 80 volunteers with multiple skills giving their time and seva providing much needed support.

During Covid GGNP and MLSS were providing much needed support to Sikhs and wider community such as emergency drop off, prescription pick up, and transport.
Over the years GGNP and MLSS have continued to work together to support the Sikh ethos Vandkeh Shakanah and Degh Tegh Fateh. Sharing what you have and protect.
MLSS are always looking for volunteers to help support on-going community work and projects. If you would like to volunteer please contact us on the form.
Mlss is a multi national non-profit organisation operating globally. More information about volunteering and donations can be found on www.midlandlangarseva.org.

If you would like to help out for find out more, please use the contact form to get in touch.