Latest Updates
Our Mission and Vision
At Gurdwara Guru Nanak Parkash, our vision is to connect people to the Sikh faith
We aim to inspire a new generation of Sikhs to increase their understanding of their faith and to make this world a better place for all.
Latest Video
Gurdwara Guru Nanak Parkash opening up its doors as part of the Open House event for Faith.
Our Services
Matrimonial services, Funeral services, Gurdwara Programmes, Home Programmes, Health clinics and more
Kids Education
Punjabi school, Khalsa college, Gurbani santhyia classes, Kirtan classes, Homework club and Sikhi camps
GGNP promotes diversity and harmony across the city through various local organisations
Visit The Gurdwara
Find out more about how to book a visit to the Gurdwara, what to expect on arrival and facilities on offer.
Our Governance
You can find all of the details regarding our Constitution and Safeguarding Policies
Find out about our sports teams, Gatka classes and activities taking place for children and adults of all ages
School & Organisational Visits
GGNP have been conducting tours for schools, colleges and organisations for many years. The aim of the tours is to create more awareness around the Sikh faith and what the inside of a Gurdwara typically looks like, wherever in the world it may be.